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Just Touched Down in London Town

Just Touched Down in London Town 2

Hello from London! What a blast we’ve had so far. We experienced a notable moment right off the bat, as the entire Yankees team walked by us as we gathered together in Heathrow airport. After making our way to Kensington High Street for lunch, we visited Kensington Gardens, which also happens to be where Prince William and Kate Middleton live! Before dinner, we played some games such as human bingo to get to know each other better.

We ended our first day with a great meal, where we also got our first view of the London Eye and the London Bridge.

Day two brought lots of sightseeing. We began our day with our friendly tour guide, Liz. She accompanied us on the bus ride to the Tower of London and provided us with lots of interesting facts about the city on the way. The group had a chance to see the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London as well as the large ravens that live on the property. As we began to take in the English architecture, many trip members commented on London’s Beauty. 

In the evening we saw a play called “The Play That Goes Wrong”. It was a comedy filled with British humor, sarcasm, and irony. The play is based around a murder mystery that the characters are attempting to solve, but as you can probably guess by the title, everything goes wrong with the production. The trip leaders definitely heard a lot of laughs from the trip members during the play!

On day three we celebrated the first birthday of our trip, as Hugh turned 18! Of course, this brought many renditions of happy birthday, played both on the bus speakers and sung by fellow trip members. We also got to explore many beautiful areas in London, including Oxford Circus, Piccadilly Circus, and Carnaby Street. On our way to ride the London Eye, we came across a few sports cars, including a Lamborghini, which impressed many in our group. We ended our time in London with an incredible view of the city from the observation wheel as the sun went down. 

We now head to Paris, which should bring tons of new memories and incredible experiences. Talk soon!

The Westcoast Blogger

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