We are continuing to explore more of the Ecuadorian culture, alongside some adventure-packed activities. On our last night in Quito we had a mouth-watering meal at Paguche Wasi that started with two varieties of soup, which we’ve learned is a staple dish here. Upon finishing our appetizer, we sampled other local foods including: beans, potatoes, choclo (“corn”), and of course the traditional cuy (“guinea pig”). The cultural meal concluded with a musical performance during which several trip members joined the band in a circular dance while others clapped along to the tune of various instruments.
From Quito, we stopped at the Mindo Cloud Forest where we had a fun-filled day. Our morning began with ziplining over the tree canopies; as we cruised along we admired the mountainous views and the natural beauty that completely surrounded us. Our thrilling day continued as we hopped in tubes and floated along the rapids of the Río Cinto.
En route to Lataguna, we stopped at Cotopaxi National Park and began our hike towards “refugio”, a check-point where some trip members received a passport stamp to celebrate their accomplishment. At the top, we saw some volcanic rock and learned about the history of this landmark from our helpful guide, Paula. Tonight we will celebrate the Fourth of July by having a bonfire-complete with s’mores, all while sporting some festive apparel. Our journey continues tomorrow as we move onward to the Amazon!
Hasta la próxima (Until next time)!
The Westcoast Blogger
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