Outstanding summer programs for teens since 1982

Exploring the Wild West – American Voyageur

trip 2 blog 1 photo 1 salt lake city

The fun first leg of our trip started with camping in Salt Lake City, which allowed for lots of positive team building experiences and bonding activities. We are becoming closer and are all very excited for the adventures ahead!  

The waterpark was the perfect way to have fun in the sun, with some trip members opting to ride the lazy river, while others went for the larger water slides! After saying goodbye to our incredible campsite, we headed off to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Most of us had never visited Wyoming before and were fascinated to learn that Kanye West recorded his latest album there! Exploring the town in small groups was a big highlight and after taking a great group picture under an archway made of elk antlers, we checked out this Wild West inspired town!

The next morning began with white water rafting on the Snake River and the group was all smiles and laughter after paddling through the rapids! Then we drove through two national parks on our way to Great Falls, Montana. It was lovely looking out at the beautiful Teton Mountains and the bison and elk on the side of the road. The group arrived at the perfect time to see Old Faithful erupt at Yellowstone National Park. Everyone’s cameras and GoPros quickly captured this natural beauty. After seeing the geyser, many of the trip members were interested in learning more about how hydrology and mineral systems work to make the rocks colorful and how the water gets so hot! Then, we admired the Fountain Paint Pot and rivers that can get up to 125 degrees! Arriving at our hotel in Montana, trip members enjoyed playing football and frisbee in the park, while some opted to relax by the pool. The following morning we surprised Jessie M. with a special birthday card, a cake and a special birthday treat!

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We just crossed the border into Canada and the excitement on the bus is palpable, as for many of us, it’s our first time here! Building up to this moment, it’s been fun sharing Canadian trivia and making our announcements in both French and English! The group is looking forward to staying in dorms at the University of Calgary and having dinner at Jack Astor’s, a Canadian restaurant known for its pop culture feel and traditional Canadian fare.

The Westcoast Blogger

Are you interested in exploring The Wild West? If so, check out our 40-day American Voyageur!